Why Won't My Garage Door Open?

Cold Weather Garage Door IssuesAs the days begin to get shorter and the temperatures start dropping, it is more important than ever that you have a reliable garage door. Many people notice that their garage door isn't operating properly when it begins to get cold outside. There are a number of reasons this can occur.

You can start by checking your door for spots where it may stick, likely caused by grease buildup. To do this you would want to manually open your garage door, after disconnecting your garage door opener. This is also a great way to check for broken springs. If your garage door seems heavy and cumbersome to lift, then you quite likely have a broken spring. If your door raises and lowers easily, then your garage door may just need a few adjustments.

Below are a few other reasons your garage door may begin to malfunction this time of year.

Hardened Grease: Grease tends to harden with cooler temperatures. Using a grease solvent along with a silicone based lubricant can help in maintaining your garage door and help it to open and close easier.

Broken Springs: When your garage door has a broken spring you will notice that your door will not open as easily. Broken springs are more likely to occur during the cooler months. Be sure to contact a professional if you suspect this is the issue for your garage door not working properly.

Check the Remote & Infrared Security Boxes: This may seem obvious, but if you use a remote to open your garage door, be sure that the batteries are working. If you have photoelectric sensors on your garage door, make sure that condensation hasn't occurred and frozen. If this happens, simply get a cloth and wipe them off. Also, be sure that they are still aligned and haven't been bumped while storing your tools and equipment for the season.

Metal Contracting: Many people are not aware that metal contracts in the winter. This means that there is the potential for springs and other metal pieces to seize up and quit working the way they are supposed to. If this seems to be the issue, you may just need to lubricate these parts (springs, hinges, rollers and other moving parts). By lubricating these parts, you can help to keep your garage door working properly all winter long.

Natural Wear, Warped Tracks, or Misalignment: Over time garage door rollers can wear down, and become misaligned in the tracks. Tracks can also become warped due to the extreme temperatures (both heat and cold) that they are subjected to, especially in uninsulated garages. You will want to contact a professional if you suspect this may be the issue.

Weather Stripping: During the colder months, weather seals may become wet and frozen due to snow or rain. This can cause the weather stripping to stick to the ground and when you raise the door the strip peels away. Damaged or missing weather stripping will lead to losing the proper sealing and insulation for the interior of your garage.

If you notice any of these issues, be sure to contact our knowledgeable team for a consultation or to book your garage door maintenance or service appointment. The last thing you want is to be left out in the cold in a snowstorm with a broken garage door.

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